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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery


Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language.

At Sherford Vale we see oracy as a curriculum driver and a powerful tool for learning. By teaching our pupils to become more effective speakers and listeners, we help them to become empowered and have a voice and, in doing so, enable them to have a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. To find their voice in order to succeed in school and in life.

In school, we expect children to answer in full sentences and to respond to each other respectfully. Each week we have a focus which is discussed through weekly news articles; at home, in class and as a whole school. These discussions also address British Values and Protected Characteristics.

For further information and research on the impact of oracy please click on these links to Oracy 21 and EEF