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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Anti-Bullying Strategy

A wide body of research indicates that bullying is a problem for many young people, and that some of this takes place in schools. 

At Sherford Vale we ensure that our policies and practice consistently contribute to a culture of mutual respect in which unacceptable behaviours, including bullying, are minimised, by ensuring that:

  • The school has a set of clear, inclusive values that are understood and lived by all members of our school community
  • Our behaviour policy is explicit about the way in which pupils should treat each other and the messages are consistently reiterated and reinforced
  • Our staff consistently model positive behaviour in their interactions with each other, with parents and carers, and with pupils
  • Pupils and staff understand the importance of using inclusive and non-derogatory language
  • Pupils are helped to understand the difference between banter and interactions that can threaten or hurt
  • All Sherford Vale staff receive appropriate and regularly updated training to give them the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach pupils about diversity and the effects of bullying
  • Staff consistently and firmly challenge inappropriate interactions, including prejudice-based and aggressive language.

During our Ofsted it was stated that - Pupils and parents share confidence in leaders to resolve any bullying. On the rare occasions it occurs, leaders take swift and effective action. Pupils said they feel comfortable to speak to an adult if they are worried.