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Sherford Vale School and Nursery

Sherford ValeSchool and Nursery

Awards and Celebrations

House Rewards 

There are four Houses in the school and all children and staff are allocated a House Team.  Siblings are usually in the same House. Dojo House points are awarded as a recognition of positive behaviours and contributions across the school, linked to our values.  

A running total of 'House Points' is kept weekly. This is announced in an assembly and displayed in the hall and the award of the House Cup.  At the end of each term, the House with the highest number of points is offered a reward for their hard work. This reward will be discussed through Student Council and class debating time (through Oracy) to ensure children really strive to achieve this goal.

At the end of the year, a House Cup is awarded to the most successful House. 

Celebration of success out of our setting; 

Children are also invited to bring in certificates and trophies awarded for activities outside of school so that we can celebrate their achievements, learn more about their interests and inspire others to experience new things.  

   'Catch Me Superstar’  

Each class also recognises one pupil as ‘Catch Me Superstar’ of the week. The focus for this will be based on one of our HEART values or a given theme.